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Tutorial Title: Advanced Motion Control for Vibration Suppression: from Theory to Applications

Presenters: Seiichiro Katsura (Japan); Kiyoshi Ohishi (Japan); Krzysztof Szabat (Poland); Kenta Seki (Japan)

Recently, progress in performance of computer and control techniques has contributed to rapid and accurate control of industrial machines and robots. However, the rapid movements excite the mechanical resonances, which prevent the machines and robots from further improvement of rapidness and accuracy. In addition, time delay included in a communication system or D/A converter decreases phase margin of a controlled system, and it also induces vibrations. Therefore, in order to realize the further rapid and accurate motion of machines and robots, vibration suppression of mechanical resonance and time-delay compensation should be considered in the control design. In this Tutorial, 3 speakers will give lectures about vibration control of motion systems from theory to industry applications.

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